Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wow, does time fly!

Hey people of the world (mostly Carlislians, but to anyone reading this)
I don't believe it, but it has been a while since I posted. Now, I was just wondering how many people actually are reading my posts. So, if you would just go under this comment (or above, I can't remember) and click comment (I know you can do it! Just a little farther) and just say hi so I can know how many people read this. Also, TELL YOUR FRIENDS. If I knew more people read this, I would be writing posts more often! So now, let's see. I guess I should do a monthly update (Or yearly, seeing it's been awhile since the last post.) Ok, well, Who likes the new addition to Fern's, let's see a show of hands! Oh, right, I can't see you guys. Right. Well, I think that the new addition is fabulous, I was amazed when I first saw it. I can't wait to see what else Robin and Larry are up to. Well, I'm just going to end off by saying. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa and whatever else you people celebrate.
Bye peoples!

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